literary writing
Read “To Pasture” in The Seventh Wave.
Read "Time Away” in Irish Pages or reprinted here.
Read “Sky Suck” in Reckoning.
Listen to an excerpt from “Unwinding,” published in Gasher.
Read “The Hunt,” published in Pink Monkey Magazine.
…a few essays…
from “An Invisible Language,” published in Michelle Tea’s Your Magic
“I find my eye drawn to the latter: unlike the woman at the register, her eyes are not on her work; instead, she seems to be gazing out at the street. Her inattention to her duties is a brief gesture of rebellion.”
“Eleven tornadoes, miles of flooding — life had a way of pushing through the tumult, of wanting to know more deeply the parts of the self that survive.”
“‘Time,’ the instructor yells, jolting me. I stumble again for a pose, hoping that some of my movement seems elegant, like the model I am supposed to be.”
…and, poems :).
from Stirring Lit from Sundress Publications
from No, Dear’s Chronic issue